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Hotel seize possession of cultural content, in order to extract symbol of Tibetan culture, Tibetan culture concentration of innovative thinking to create features elements of culture. To shape, color, pattern, clothing, Tibetan incense, seven facilities and activities should reflect the symbols and elements of Tibetan culture, the Tibetan festivals as a regular hotel activities, loved by customers in the form of showing off the climax of culture.

In the architectural style, the hotel's overall architectural style of the plateau is full of flavor. Slightly rough look to use the large red and white and white as the keynote, the roof was decorated with the Gold frames inlaid with turquoise, Lotus, felt was turning extinguisher, more ubiquitous. A distance,Tibet Hotels, such as towering mountains, such as the sacred Potala Palace, such as the Millennium biting wind and snow out of the rock tempered, years distant but alive...

Lucky Rainbow

Architectural Appearance

Tibet window

Quiet window

Lotus Auspicious


East Gate Hotel

Style unique to the lotus lamp